Residents at a specialist dementia-care nursing home in Plymouth are revelling in their memories of special moments at Plymouth Ho, thanks to the installation at their home of a large mural featuring a photo of the landmark.

It is now a major talking point at Freshfields, on Agaton Road in Plymouth, run by Camelot Care.

Clare Woodhead, operations manager for Camelot Care, said: “The mural prompts our residents to share their memories about the Ho which has been a favourite destination for ‘days out’ throughout the decades.

“We showed the people who live with us a variety of different images to find out which ones they would enjoy seeing on the walls of their home.

“Plymouth Ho won hands-down, and they are so happy to share their memories of it with us.”

Clare has been following with interest the findings of research undertaken by Guys and St. Thomas’ Charity into the role of the arts in reminiscence, and how it can empower people with dementia.

“The pilot project run in London has provided good evidence that art can spark reminiscences in a way that measurably improves wellbeing in older people with dementia, and our new mural is certainly getting people talking,” said Clare.

As a result of the London study a range of practitioners are now using the arts in dementia care, with strong anecdotal evidence suggesting that this can be highly effective.

Camelot Care has already installed a mural featuring Wimbleball Lake at Camelot House and Lodge in Wellington, and is going to install another showing the pier at Weston super Mare in its Avalon Nursing Home in Bridgwater.